Why did you choose South Thames College? 

I chose the college as after attending the open day, seeing the facilities and meeting the teachers. I was confident that this college can help me transform from an ambitious student to a successful health care professional in the making. 
Why did you choose to study Health & Social Care? 

Knowing that I wanted to pursue a career in the health care industry, I chose to do BTEC rather than A levels as I wanted a course that is more vocational, more hands on rather than learning unapplied theory for two years. I chose to use these two years to gain real life experiences to help me become a better health care professional. 

What are the most enjoyable aspects or highlights of your course? 

There were so many highlights of this course. The first one would have to be the work placement, We had to do 300hrs of work placement over the course of two years. I did mine in the Harley Street Clinic and Moorfield’s Eye Hospital. The Second Highlight would have to be the units that we study, my favourite unit would have to be “Communication” as I’ve learned different forms of communication both oral and written forms. I was able to use these in my work placement. My second favourite unit would have to be “Anatomy” I’ve learned so much about our body’s internal structure which is good if you are trying to pursue nursing, midwifery and even radiography. The highlight of this course for me would really have to be the teachers, they have supported, encouraged and believed in me and the rest of the class not only as a student but also as a person which had massively boost my self confidence. 
Can you provide examples of any particular achievements or describe how you have overcome any difficulties on your course so far? 

Before coming in to the college, my secondary school had predicted me 2s and 3s. However, after moving to college I had passed my math’s re take that very same year as well as having offers from respectable universities in and out of London. 

Did you complete any work experience and if so how did it help with your studies? 

I did my work placement in two hospitals. The Harley Street Clinic and Moorfield’s Eye Hospital. I was able to gain experiences that had allowed me to developed different approaches that I can apply to my studies. It had also given me the chance to have more self awareness of my strengths and weaknesses so I can constantly improve my skills. 

What are your hopes/goals/plans for the future or your next study options? 

I aspire to become a successful Diagnostic Radiographer and to use that as my stepping stone to help improve the quality of care not only here in the UK but also to low and middle income countries such as my home country the Philippines. 

Do you have any advice for other potential students looking to enrol? 

My advice for the prospective students would have to be. Take Level 3 health and social care. It is such a rewarding course that will paved your way into getting a degree that is recognised globally. Specially, in Commonwealth countries such as Australia and Canada.