
In partnership with Middlesex University and Cass Art, South Thames College celebrated the winner of its inaugural Design Competition in February. Over 70 students participated in the competition through workshops delivered by Chenika Allen during the Autumn Term. A shortlist of students was then invited to participate in workshops at Middlesex University, where they explored creative options in higher education.

The students took part in screen printing workshops at Middlesex's Design Studios, gained insights from academics and current Middlesex students, and eagerly awaited the grand reveal from Chenika. The overall winner was Sara Abdalla from Ricards Lodge School, for her t-shirt design and brand, Mindfull.

Mindfull is a mental health-focused clothing brand for teenagers, promoting positivity through its slogan, “Look at the glass half full.” Featuring butterfly motifs symbolizing resilience, the brand prioritizes oversized t-shirts for comfort and self-expression.

Sara won an iPad, an Apple Pen, and design goodies courtesy of Cass Art and Middlesex University. The runner-up was Alisha Ashraf (Ricards Lodge), and third place went to Rania Bourouba (Dunraven School).

Claire Lewis, Director of Graphic Design and Illustration at Middlesex University, said, "Being part of the competition and seeing the incredible work that the students produced was an absolute pleasure. The students did a fantastic job, showcasing just how much creative potential is out there. I look forward to welcoming them back to Middlesex when the time comes for them to choose where to study for their degree."

Jitka Zenatova, Design and Technology teacher from Ricards Lodge, said, “It has been an excellent design competition which has really sparked my students’ wider interests in the creative industries and post-16 and post-18 pathways.”

South Thames College is grateful to all partners and stakeholders who supported the delivery of this competition. This marks the second competition the schools' partnership team has delivered since 2023-2024.

We look forward to expanding these kinds of opportunities as part of our schools partnership offer, supporting schools in their engagement with colleges, universities, and employers, and broadening students’ understanding of the opportunities available to them.