Ermir was a student at Kingston College in September 2020 studying on our one-year, full time ESOL course, taking GCSE Maths and GCSE Citizenship alongside ESOL. Ermir says: “I would highly recommend Kingston College for those wishing to study ESOL. I made four best friends for life during my time there and have such happy memories - in fact we are all now studying at University of Westminster together although not on the same course. The student support at Kingston College was fantastic; my tutors were always available to help with anything I needed and to answer any problems or questions. The lessons were well planned in terms of delivery, which meant that there was plenty of time between lessons for independent study and to consolidate my learning.”
Ermir emphasised the importance of excellent facilities at the College, stating: “Having modern and high-quality facilities within the educational environment enhances the academic experience and ensures accessibility for anyone striving to achieve outstanding results in their education.”
After leaving Kingston College, Ermir went on to study at a Sixth Form in Feltham and during Year 12 gained a prestigious internship at Citi Financial Services. He also embarked on the Sixth Form’s Career Ready Programme which helped him focus on his choice of degree. He is now in his second year at University of Westminster studying BSc Finance.