Darcy says choosing Kingston College was a “no brainer” and has nothing but great things to say about her time with us on BTEC in Fashion, Textiles & Costume, particularly enjoying 6 months of work experience at The Royal Ballet School where she gained “a better understanding of the behind the scenes element of costume in theatre”.

Why did you choose to study a BTEC and why did you choose Kingston College?

Choosing a BTEC seemed like the obvious option after GCSEs, I wanted to experience the creative freedom within coursework whilst also gathering skills as I would for exams. Similarly, with selecting Kingston College; it seemed like a no brainer. After attending many Open Days, the campus at Kingston College and facilities as well as the teaching methods really resonated with me and what I planned to achieve prior to university. 

Your plans after you complete your course?

After my course is completed, I plan to study the 3 year BA (Hons) Textile Design at Chelsea College of Arts (UAL). 

Favourite part of your course?

I have especially loved expanding my knowledge in Textiles. It has been amazing to be given complete creative control using the textile studio and screen-printing equipment. However, in terms of the course structure, it has been fulfilling to be taught skills across all areas within the fashion industry; everywhere from costume design to fashion photography. The options are endless. 

Is College life what you expected? Have there been any surprises?

For the most part, college life has been both social and independent. Personally, I am a very keen worker and enjoy time to myself to complete tasks but I was always able to socialise with my friends from other courses in communal areas in the college such as the Courtyard when working got too much. Surprisingly, the opportunity to collaborate with other courses completely different from your own was highly promoted which was massively helpful, especially during final major projects. 

Any advice to those thinking about applying for your course?

I found it so important to utilise all of my independent study sessions; whether that was in the library or studio. This way, I was always up to date with work and was never too overwhelmed because the coursework really does pile up! Make sure to use all of the facilities offered - like the photography studios and art rooms. All of which pushes you to strengthen your body of work that bit more. 

Any opportunities you’ve enjoyed here that you particularly loved?

For me personally, I was fortunate enough to be selected for work experience at The Royal Ballet School where I worked once a week for six months. I found this to be incredibly useful with gaining a better understanding of the behind the scenes element of costume in theatre. Through the college, this was made really accessible and I am so glad that I was able to contribute. 

Any amazing tutors or met great new friends?

I started Kingston College with a couple of friends who were studying different courses to me so I went into the course knowing no-one. In my second year, I became a part of a group of complete creatives across all courses - music, photography and media and later, they would all become my closest friends. My teachers were always so supportive and helpful with what we wanted to create, although not always easy, they were continually patient throughout the making processes. My wonderful stitch tech teacher, Maryam, was a constant source of inspiration for me and my entire class. She ensured that our working environment was calm and cordial.”