Meet talented BTEC Digital Art, Animation and Games Design student, Toby Barber.

Why did you choose to study a BTEC and why did you choose Kingston College?

I chose to study a BTEC as I found A Levels weren't specific enough, and I wanted to pursue art without other distractions, which meant having one subject rather than three suited my progression more. Kingston College was my choice as I enjoyed all of my viewings of the courses and campus, and it was the best option for me in terms of travel.

Your plans after you complete your course?

After this course, I will be studying Illustration at UCA Farnham. This will help me develop my skills and find either a niche or an industry to work in in the future.

Favourite part of your course?

My favourite part of college has been the creative process, developing ideas and seeing them unfold into large projects.

Is College life what you expected? Have there been any surprises?

College life was very easy for me to get used to, and the shorter amount of in-person time is great for balancing other parts of your life, as well as giving more than enough time to work on projects from home.

Any advice to those thinking about applying for your course?

Digital art, Games Design and Animation is a great course for anyone interested in the digital side of art. The skills that you will be taught are very diverse and you get lots of opportunities to work in industry-standard programs. 

Any opportunities you’ve enjoyed here that you particularly loved?

The second-year final project was the highlight of my time at Kingston College, as you effectively get around 5 months to work on your own personal project, which gives you so much time to put all of your efforts into making something you can be proud of. 

Any amazing tutors or met great new friends?

The tutors are always there to help you if needed. On the course, I have made some great friends who share common interests.