Over 280 Kingston College Creative Industries students took part in creating work for The Community Brain’s ‘Mini Day’ on Saturday 18 May. Using the 60th anniversary of the historic Mini Cooper Carlo win in 1964 and its production in Surbiton with John Cooper at the helm, this multi-faceted event brought together 150 vintage Minis for a tour of Kingston town centre, street art, Mini animations, interactive maps, a Mini model treasure hunt, tours of the garage, a talk by Michael Cooper, live music and food. The whole of Hollyfield Road in Surbiton was shut for this momentous day.

Students were given a brief, which they successfully delivered. The involved courses produced an array of excellent work, including:

Level 3 BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design Practice students created a 72-piece street mural

Level 3 BTEC National Diploma Digital & Games Design students created Mini animations and interactive maps 

Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate Digital, Games & Animation students created Mini animations

Level 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Art & Design Skills created a poster for Mini Day

Level 3 BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design Practice - 3D Design and Architecture students created a Mini models treasure hunt:

  • 3D Design students created mini Minis using A4 laser cut flat pack with no glue
  • Architect students redesigned Charles Ivey’s Porsche garage, which was the old Cooper Car Company back in the 60’s by using A3 card and no glue

The day was a tremendous success. Congratulations to everyone who participated.