Kingston College BTEC Fashion, Textiles & Costume student, Erin Millar, gained a fantastic Triple Distinction*, equivalent to 3 A* at A Level. She says: “I chose to study a BTEC because I struggled with the pressure and expectations exams bring so I wanted to do a coursework-based subject. This would allow me to show all my skills throughout the course and not be marked solely on an exam paper. I chose Kingston College because I was impressed by all the equipment and facilities that I saw when I went around on an Open Evening. All the students and staff seemed so friendly and welcoming. 

“My plans after completing the course are going to be a Gap Year. I am doing this as I want a break in education to travel. I want to explore and experience different cultures; this break will be very beneficial for my mental health and will give me a chance to think about my future career choices. My first planned travel is going to Australia for 3 months with my sister and I am very excited for it!

“My favourite part about the fashion course is how many new skills you learn. The amount of textiles and construction techniques you get taught is amazing especially when you get the chance to develop them and make them your own. Not only do you learn fashion industry specific skills, but you will also learn transferable skills such as time management, analysis work, and communication. 

“I was very nervous going into college as I didn't know anyone else there. However, most people are in the same boat and will have similar interests as they are doing the same course. These two years at college have been the best educational experience I have ever had. I have met my incredible friends who continue to make me laugh, comfort me, and are always there for me, and I wouldn't ask for anything else. I have learnt so much at college and it has really helped with my self-confidence. Another part of college that I really enjoyed was my timetable. This is because, I had a 4-day week and my lesson start times ranged from morning to mid-day. This allowed me to have plenty of time outside of college to complete independent coursework and find a balance for time for myself. 

“My favourite opportunity had to be the Final Show and the End of Year Exhibition. These were incredible ways to showcase all the amazing work from the last two years and it's a great way to celebrate your time at Kingston College.”