We are thrilled to announce that Carshalton College has just received acceptance and certification of membership to the prestigious Institute Of Carpenters!

The Institute of Carpenters is one of the oldest and eminent associations in London and works to enhance and promote the status of the carpentry profession and to ensure that members and their clients benefit from the superior knowledge and craftsmanship associated with the Institute.

Membership provides an opportunity for networking and professional development, plus the Institute is involved in a number of activities requiring voluntary help around the country: examples are, it runs the Carpenters' Craft Competition and a Student Mentoring Scheme. 

As a member College, the Institute offers free student membership to our students.

The Institute believes that by involving students at the start of their careers, they are laying the foundations for a long term relationship thus helping to ensure that as generations change, the traditional skills and high standards of work are maintained.

IofC Cert