Kingston College Foundation Learning/SEND team are delighted to have won a Learning Impact Silver Award at the 1EdTech Learning Impact Awards 2024 held in Salt Lake City, which recognises breakthrough uses of learning technology for education.

As part of WorkSkills Kingston (WSK), and in partnership with Navigatr, the team presented a pioneering solution to the barriers individuals often face in a rapidly evolving job market, allowing them to access essential work skills training and transitioning into employment through an innovative digital badging programme.

Eireann Brooks, Curriculum Lead - Foundation Learning, said: "All of our Foundation Learning Two students’ confidence and positivity has greatly increased since issuing the Navigtr badges.  These badges, serving as immediate recognition for their course achievements, have ignited a sense of purpose and determination among the students, propelling them towards success in their educational pursuits, career aspirations, and personal development journeys."

Leveraging Navigatr's platform, WSK used AI to seamlessly create employability digital badges providing learners with a portable, verified, shareable skills profile. The impact of the project was tangible and multifaceted. With over 377 quality badges issued in only 3 months and 298 residents claiming their badges, WSK has made a significant impact in the community. The programme boasts a 79% claim rate and has garnered 5,456 unique visits to the WSK community page. By providing individuals with access to essential work skills recognition, the initiative increases employability and empowers individuals to secure meaningful employment opportunities, benefiting both individuals and the community. Moreover, digital badges enhance skill recognition and validation, reducing administrative burdens for employers and educational institutions.

Maria Luke, Foundation Learning/SEND Senior Learning Coach at Kingston College, said: “The WSK programme has brought about a remarkable positive transformation among our students and staff alike. It has served as an invaluable platform for gaining industry insights and receiving constructive feedback from employers regarding the essential skills needed.”

Cameron King, Skills & Employment Lead at Kingston Council said: “I’m really pleased to say that our Achieving for Children SEND pathways team and Kingston College Foundation Learning/SEND team have created some really quality badges with a 97% claim rate for those badges and that tells me those residents have been supported not only to understand the badge, but how apply it and to claim it properly.”

Tim Riches, Executive Director at Navigatr said: “We hope that this will help people in Kingston and other communities elsewhere to create more effective pathways between learning and work which is based on people’s skills and not just qualifications alone.”