Jessica is a first-year student on the T Level in Education and Early Years at Kingston College. Students studying the T Level benefit from learning in a nursery setting in our Little Plumbs Nursery, a large, colourful room divided into carefully planned interest areas. Our calming and therapeutic Sensory Room offers a unique way to explore the five senses with lights, colours, sounds and sensory soft play resources.

Jessica says: “I took AS Levels in Maths, Biology, Welsh Baccalaureate and Psychology, however I decided I wanted to study a course relating to child development but I still wanted to study a course that would give me similar grades and opportunities to my A Level subjects.

“After recently moving to the area, I realised that Kingston College is close to where I live and when I went to the enrolment interview the tutor, Jessica Raichman, was polite and supportive which helped me make my final decision.

“My favourite part of the course has been decorating the nursery and learning about children’s development through class discussions. I enjoyed going to the Science Museum to learn how children learn about history through play and sensory play.”