Meet BTEC Travel and Tourism student, Virag Barnai, who says “College life was even better than I expected”:

Why did you choose to study a BTEC and why did you choose Kingston College?

I chose to study a BTEC as I believe it was more suited for me as it is very different from the school structure of exclusively exam-based grading. Furthermore, I believe that a BTEC allows for more freedom to be able to manage my own time and learning. The reason I chose Kingston College is due to the work placement opportunities that it offered (the Turing scheme).

Your plans after you complete your course?

I am going to study International Hospitality and Tourism Management at University of Surrey.

Favourite part of your course?

My favourite part of the course was the community environment amongst staff and students, trips as well as the work placement opportunities. 

Is College life what you expected? Have there been any surprises?

College life was even better than I expected, I love the freedom that college gives you and the different ways of learning it offers.

Any advice to those thinking about applying for your course?

I would say if you do your coursework and make the most of the course you will love it and it will offer you great opportunities for the future. 

Any opportunities you’ve enjoyed here that you particularly loved?

Going to Turkey through the Turing Scheme.

Any amazing tutors or met great new friends?

All my tutors where amazing, especially Mateo, they all helped me a lot. Both the tutors and other students were amazing and we created a great community.