The Committee of South London Principals (COSLP) held their annual Best Learner and Teacher Awards on Thursday 23 May at the House of Lords to celebrate their very best learners and exceptional teachers.

Carshalton College is pleased to announce their winners!

Best Student Carshalton College: Chantelle Allen (picture far right)

Chantelle is an amazing student to teach. She deserves special recognition for her positive attitudes towards learning and supporting others.

Chantelle’s secondary education has been affected by COVID. She left the country for a family matter and when she returned in 2022 she missed her opportunity to sit GCSE exams. In 2023 she joined Carshalton College, taking her GCSE exams. She then had heart surgery which has had a massive impact on her attendance and learning. This year, despite enrolling late, she is striving to achieve Grade 5 in GCSE maths through hard work and determination.

Although Chantelle has is a quiet person, she is very confident in helping others during maths lessons and sets a positive example for her peers which is a pure evidence of her work ethic and perseverance. She is destined to have a successful future and we wish her all the very best.

Best Teacher Carshalton College: Kamila Bury-Wisniewska (picutured centre)

Kamila is an inspirational maths teacher with an incredible work ethic and boundless enthusiasm for her subject. Her relentless energy and dedication to her students are admirable. She constantly seeks out new approaches to engage her students and is always eager to innovate and explore ways of increasing students’ participation in the maths department. Above all, Kamila's genuine care for her students' academic success and personal well-being makes her a valuable member of our team at Carshalton College.

Additionally, Kamila actively promotes the importance of maths across the college, seizing every opportunity to demonstrate its relevance to students. She is not only an exceptional teacher but also a fantastic colleague, deeply invested in the success of her department. Kamila consistently offers support to her colleagues and fosters collaboration between the maths department and other departments within the college, enhancing the overall learning experience for all students with her never-ending levels of energy and positive attitude.