
Do you need urgent help, when Student Services is closed?

Are you worried about yourself, a friend or a relative?

You do not need to be alone; there are places that can help.

Your first option may be to see your GP who will talk to you about what will be most helpful and can refer you to the appropriate source of support or to ring 111 for advice.

If it is an emergency, call the emergency services (dial 999 and ask for the police or ambulance service) or visit Accident and Emergency or a Police Station.

If it is a non-emergency, but you require police presence, call 101. Metropolitan Police website

If you need to raise a safety concern about a child or young person under 18 or up to 25 with a learning difficulty or disability, you can contact Social Services from the relevant local boroughs, the out of hours “Emergency Duty Team” number if after 5pm or one of the national helplines – the NSPCC or Crimestoppers.

The Metroplitan Police Website