Learning online is quite different to being in class. It is typically a lot more flexible, meaning you will have far greater choice over when and where you study. This requires some adjustments to your learning approach, so remember to:

  • Be patient. Your tutors are learning how to teach in a very different way very quickly, things may not always go according to plan.
  • Create a routine that works for you. You may need to work out a study plan, decide how to record any notes, and find an appropriate work space.
  • Familiarise yourself with tools used by your tutors. To participate fully you'll need to know how, so try things out before lessons start.
  • Find out where to find help. Your regular supports channels still apply, even when learning remotely. Any technical problems you can talk to the LRC team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Take advantage of our online library. You have access to over 1,500 key textbooks to read online as well as online journal collections and research databases.

Getting yourself ready - find a space

It's much easier to focus if you can give yourself a dedicated space in your home for your work. If you are lucky enough to have a dedicated study desk or even a study then that's great.

Most of us need to set up a temporary space when we have work to do. Think about finding a space with the fewest distractions. It needs to be safely away from the TV for example. If you are using a desk or table that you also use for relaxation (be that gaming or dinner) then find a way to show that it's being used as a work space. Clear the desk / table, put different things on it etc. This will help trick your mind into focusing and it signals to other people in the house that you are studying.

Getting your device ready

In order to take part in an online class session or any other type of interactive online learning, it is important to get your device ready beforehand:

  • Download any additional software or apps well before the start
    of the session. Don't leave it to the last minute. See the
    essential apps section below for starters.
    Picture: headphone icon
  • Test your speaker and microphone to make sure you can hear
    and be heard. Remember to mute your microphone during
    sessions if you are not talking, to help reduce background
  • Make sure your device is fully charged and have the charger
    available if possible.
  • Check that you have the link to the session available so you don't have to go hunting for it in emails or text messages.
  • Start using a calendar and put the session into the calendar and
    add the link so you can simply click it at the appropriate time.