
If you already have a degree and wish to do another one, you may not be eligible for any government loans for tuition fees or other costs, or any College-funded scheme such as the HE progression bursary.

However, you may still get limited funding if, for example:

  • you change course
  • you leave your course but decide to start again
  • you’re ‘topping up’ a higher education qualification, for example you’ve finished an HNC, HND or Foundation Degree and now want to do an Honours degree
  • you hold an Honours degree or higher level of qualification and start a part-time Honours degree in engineering, technology or computer science (or a joint Honours in 2 of these subjects)
  • you already have a degree and you’re starting a healthcare course (except for dental hygiene or dental therapy) on or after 1 August 2017

Further information on student loans and finance can be found at the website.