Learn how to become a teacher on part-time and full-time teaching qualifications. Your teaching career is in safe hands when you study with us.
Our results speak for themselves. The success rates for most of our teaching and CELTA courses are higher than the national benchmark. In fact, on many courses over 90% of students achieve the qualification. Study CELTA, TEFL or develop your teaching career with post-graduate courses for the lifelong learning sector.
You'll find studying with us a rewarding experience too. And you don't have to take our word for it. Our student evaluations show high levels of satisfaction, with comments describing tutors as 'excellent', 'very supportive' and 'having great skills'.
If you want teacher training courses that support your progression, our courses and training lead towards qualified teacher status – QTLS. And they meet all Government and Standards Verification UK (SVUK) specifications and requirements for teacher training.