two engineering students
Students wiring a socket


The UK's engineering industry is vast, with more than 6,000 organisations employing around 800,000 engineers. Career opportunities exist across a broad spectrum of sectors, from manufacturing and defence to renewable energy and transportation. Engineers are employed in sectors from transport and construction to food, medicine and even the space industry. As engineering today is linked closely with technology, the demand for qualified engineers is on the rise thanks to the speed technology is advancing. Our students test out the theory in practical sessions at our £12m technology centre. Working in electronics labs, computer aided design suites, workshops and well equipped science labs, they'll access specialist equipment throughout their course. 

Our students maintain a high level of personal discipline and have the opportunity to mature into young people developing a level of integrity and team ethic as demanded by the industry. We offer a wide range of full-time vocational engineering programmes, together with a large Apprenticeship provision for many employers.

Merton College has a great selection of STEM specific courses. I chose to study a National Diploma in Engineering because I felt it would equip me with a broad view of the subject, helping me to make a more informed career path, while providing a general understanding of the engineering sector. DIvine Kuteesa, Engineering Student

Student smiling