Karima Eliacy

Childcare & Early Years student

Karima said: "I started at Merton College in 2019, taking the Award in Preparing to Work in Schools Level 1.  My tutor Debra was very supportive and also encouraged me to study the Caring for Children Award Level 1, so I could learn more about what type of career I wanted to work in.

These courses gave me the confidence and social skills to progress ,so after completing them both, I started the Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner (NCFE).  I loved my placement and planning activities with the children. I gained lots of new friends from my placement and from being at the college.

In September 2021, I began studying the Early Years Workforces (EYE) Diploma Level 3. I worked in another Early Years placement, which I really enjoyed. I also had the opportunity to take some distance learning courses which helped me with my childcare course, including Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour That Challenges and Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Common Childhood Illnesses.  I enjoyed the flexibility of these courses and that they can be completed around my college placement and family commitments."