Cameron Cain

"I had heard about Carshalton College from friends who had studied here so I decided to enrol on an IT & Media Level 1 course.  I knew I wanted to get into Games design eventually so the Level 1 course was a good start.  

My first impression was a good one. I felt that the College was not too large or intimidating and it had all the facilities that I would need.  My first year was good and my second was great!  I gained more knowledge and confidence and really enjoyed the subjects. 

My experience as a student here just keeps on getting better.  The Learning support I was given at Level 1 really helped me become so much more independent.

I am now on the Games Development Level 3 after completing my Media Level 2.  This is a great course, which I think will really help me develop my skills with the eventual goal to progress into the Games Design industry.  I am hoping to go into an Apprenticeship or a Level 4 Games course".