
Start your 2022 with South Thames College

Do you need training to improve your job opportunities?

Our team of experts will help you to improve your chances of employment and progress your career. Gain practical qualifications in a range of industries from Hospitality & Security to business admin or advice on starting your own business, we can help you along the way.

adult Training for work

Are you looking to improve your basic language skills or gain English & Maths qualifications?
Gain new qualifications or improve your previous grades in English and Maths or develop your language skills and pass exams in ESOL if English is not your first language


GCSE / Functional Skills

Interested in retraining for a new career or upskilling in your current role?

There is no better time for a fresh start, South Thames College can help you retrain for a new career or upskill in your current role, we offer:

Professional Qualifications - Such as Bookkeeping and accounting courses, starting this February, check out our website for more information

CPD – A range of free occupation specific professional development short courses, completed online to fit around your schedule
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Want to learn something new?

We have professional and wellbeing courses to suit all interests. These include courses such as baking, computing, fashion, languages, community interpreting, and more. Classes are timed to fit around your schedule so you can enjoy them at your leisure.

Adult Education Courses