"Choosing a BTEC allows you to be more hands-on and gain the experience and techniques you will need to get into the media industry. This year I have created a video ‘The Shoes’. We filmed and edited together and it taught us about different camera angles and how to edit together all the different shots to create a sequence. Then we learnt about the film genre ‘Film Noir’ and created our own scene which had the characteristics and would fit into the genre. After film noir we created our own music video to a song of our choice. We had the opportunity to be as creative as possible. Whilst making the music video, we each recorded our own podcast episode on a theme given to us by a client. My theme was how artists can inspire others to be pro-environmental. We are now about to create a single camera drama. Alongside filming all of these units, we have been learning the theory behind film and media and writing our own scripts. I have also been creating digital designs in Photoshop and Illustrator inspired by artists such as Andy Warhol and Banksy. Now we are designing a magazine double page."